The center of the market square.
You are now on the center of the market square, from here you have a wonderful
view of the Gods' palace which is hovering in the sky above the city. The Gods'
palace can only be reached by means of teleportation. The market square is
mainly used for special events and some shops are connected to it. To the west
is western market square. To the north is northern market square. To the south
is the southern market square. To the east is eastern market square. 
[ Exits: n e s w ]
A large sleigh has been rammed into the fountain here.
A large fountain carved from blue-streaked marble is here, bubbling merrily.
Gannon the Cannon! is standing here.
Vellia Mistress of Zephyrs is standing here.
Krishna the Samurai is standing here.
Attaunsar the Knight is standing here.
Maruk - Last Daughter of the EbonyAxe is standing here.
Danae the elfin girl is standing here.

The Snowball May Start.

Danae grins evilly.

Attaunsar throws snowballs around like crazy shouting: "battle!!!"

Gannon conjures a snowball from thin air and throws it in Krishna's face.

Attaunsar thows a giant snowball at  's face

Vellia scoops up a handful of snow.

Krishna gathers some snow and packs it into a tight ball

Vellia uses wind magic to spin the snow into a ball.

Attaunsar has made quite a pile of snowballs and starts firing them rapidly

Attaunsar hits 

Attaunsar hits

Attaunsar hits

Attaunsar hits 

Attaunsar hits 

Maruk grabs some snow to start a ball.

Krishna throws a snowball high into the air to distract then suddenly throws another straight at gannon

Attaunsar has made quite a pile of snowballs and starts firing them rapidly

Attaunsar hits maruk

Attaunsar hitsmaruk

Attaunsar hitsmaruk

Attaunsar hits maruk

Attaunsar hits maruk

Attaunsar falls down laughing.

Maruk grabs a snowball and hurls it at Vellia.

Danae sneaks behind Lunah's shield and strats gathering snow there, watching all the others.

Vellia gets a canteen from a dark-blue sack with silver embroidery.

Vellia drinks water from a canteen.

Vellia drinks water from a canteen.

Vellia puts a canteen in a dark-blue sack with silver embroidery.

Vellia throws the snowball at Krishna.

Attaunsar slips and glides face-down through the snow *brrrrr*

Krishna moves out the way.

Vellia catches a handful of snowflakes and crushes them together into a ball.

Gannon flops down in the snow and makes a snow angel out of himself.

Vellia whispers arcane secrets to her snowball.

Vellia throws the mystically charged snowball up in the air.

Attaunsar thows a giant snowball at vellia 's face

Maruk starts covering Gannon with snow.

Danae throws a head-sized snowball with a loop through the air, aimed at Attaunsar

Krishna starts gathering some snow for a snowball

The zombie has arrived from the east.

Danae watches the snowball come down with a smile on her face.

Attaunsar appears to give up

Attaunsar however had his fingers crossed

Attaunsar hits zombie with a snowball only a giant could have made

Gannon gets out his snow tractor and dumps a load of snow on Maruk!

Maruk begins making a snow fort for protectin.

Attaunsar growls.

Vellia watches as the snowball hurtles towards Maruk.

Krishna places a snowball in his pocket and beings making a few more

Danae starts gathering more snow.

Attaunsar storms at maruks fort and jumps it

Maruk sighs as her fort collapses.

The annoying Seaweed leaves south.

Danae starts building a snowman around Lunah's body.

Vellia casts a spell enlarging the snowball.

Gannon gives a snow figure shaped as a hobbit to Krishna.

Attaunsar says, 'gna!'

Krishna grins evilly.

Danae says, 'He, you cannot use magic, that's cheating! *grin*'

Vellia sees Maruk covered in snow.

Maruk grans Attaunsar by the legs and tries to trip him.

Vellia grins evilly.

Krishna says, 'oooh....thanks here i have a present for you to'

Vellia says, 'I know.'

Krishna throws a snowball quickly at gannon

Krishna grins evilly.

Attaunsar says, 'all fire at vellia!!!!'

Krishna runs around

Attaunsar throws snowballs around like crazy shouting: "battle!!!"

Attaunsar thows a giant snowball at  's face

Gannon tackles Krishna to the ground and buries him in snow.

Danae grabs a little bit of snow (satisfied with the snow gathered around Lunah's legs.

Maruk joins the snow battle against Vellia.

Attaunsar starts making a stock of giant snowballs with his giant hands

Danae moves silently to Gannon's back.

Vellia shifts briefly into her full draconic form and lets the hit strike home.

Attaunsar has made quite a pile of snowballs and starts firing them rapidly

Attaunsar hits vellia

Attaunsar hitsvellia

Attaunsar hitsvellia

Attaunsar hits vellia

Attaunsar hits vellia

Krishna struggles to stand up

Attaunsar the giant shouts, 'whaaah!'

Attaunsar drinks clear water from a canteen.

Vellia laughs evilly.

Danae silently puts the handful of snow into Gannon's neck.

Krishna slowly manages to get the snow off him and stands up.

Maruk pounces on Krishna.

Krishna goes: DOH !

Danae dashes away, towards Vellia.

Attaunsar doesn't like the look on vellia's face

Maruk says, ' Get back down! '

Maruk giggles.

Attaunsar dugs

Vellia casts a snowball spell at Attanausar.

Krishna rolls over ontop of Maruk

Gannon gets a lot of snow and makes a snowman out of Danae.

Attaunsar wonders why giants are so easy to hit

Attaunsar crabs his head

Vellia scoops up a handful of snow.

Krishna rubs snow all over Maruk's face

Danae hides behind Vellia, starting to gather more snow again.

Krishna falls down laughing.

Maruk kicks at krishna

Krishna gets out the way and starts running around wildly again

Attaunsar says, 'hej no kicking that's meas!'

Vellia says, 'Catch!'

Vellia throws the mystically charged snowball up in the air.

Attaunsar dugs

Vellia ducks for cover.

Maruk chases Krishna with a ready snowball!

Krishna runs into the magical snowball

Krishna goes: DOH !
Attaunsar wants to invent a snow cannon but is way too stupid for it

Danae throws her snowball straight towards Vellia.

Vellia watches as her snowball explodes into dozens of snowballs covering the area.

Attaunsar throws a snowbal and another shortly after it at danae but misses danae two times

Vellia tries to spin out of the way, but gets hit in the back of her head.

Maruk hits Krishna when he stops running.

Danae says, 'Yep, you're big, I'm small, and I like it that way!'

Krishna begins to catch the snowballs falling down and throws them at Maruk

Vellia peers suspiciously at Danae.

Attaunsar thinks it's unfair

Danae runs at Attaunsar's legs, trying to pull him over.

Attaunsar thinks that wasn't nice and wants revenge

Gannon laughs.

Attaunsar makes a snowball splash in danae 's neck

Krishna gets a snowball from the ground and throws it at Gannon

Danae shivers uncomfortably.

Maruk grabs more snow and starts picking out a target.

Vellia grabs Maruk and balls her up in a snowball.

The zombie leaves east.

Vellia says, 'Dwarf toss!'

Danae decides to give up on pulling over Attaunsar.

Danae takes a bit of snow and jumps up as high as she can.

Maruk says, ' Hey! I'm in this thing! '

Vellia throws the dwarf snowball at Krishna.

Attaunsar has made quite a pile of snowballs and starts firing them rapidly

Attaunsar hits maruk

Attaunsar hitsmaruk

Attaunsar hitsmaruk

Attaunsar hits maruk

Attaunsar hits maruk

Danae deposits the snow in Attaunsar's neck (she barely is able to reach it).

Maruk falls out of the snowball.

Attaunsar says, 'yes you are *grins*'

Maruk says, ' That's it! Tha elf gets it! '

Vellia grins evilly.

Danae dashes away towards Gannon this time.

Attaunsar thows a giant snowball at  's face

Vellia says, 'Come and get it!'

Maruk runs straight for Vellia.

Vellia closes her eyes and utters the words, 'fly'.
Vellia starts to float

Attaunsar starts making a stock of giant snowballs with his giant hands

Krishna gets more snow and packs it into a snowball

Gannon pushes Danae away and dumps snow on her!

Danae shivers uncomfortably.

Maruk runs right under Vellia's feet.

Attaunsar slips and glides face-down through the snow *brrrrr*

Vellia stops floating around, and puts her feet on the ground.

Danae digs her way out of the snow.

Gannon says, 'Don't use me as a shield!'

Maruk says, ' Drat! Missed! '

Krishna throws a snowball at Danae

Danae ducks.

Vellia throws a snowball at the back of MAruk's head.

The zombie has arrived from the east.

Krishna goes: DOH !

Danae says, 'Of course I will, Gannon, you're one of the nicest people in the world, surely you'll let me?'

Attaunsar throws snowballs around manically just wanting to hit anyone

Gannon chuckles politely.

Maruk flings a small snowball at the back of Vellia's head.

Danae ducks behind Krishna this time.

Gannon says, 'Of course Danae. My apologies.'

Krishna ruthlessly tackles Gannon, pinning him to the ground.

Vellia tries to spin out of the way, but gets hit in the back of her head.

Vellia says, 'Ouch... again.'

Krishna rubs snow all over gannon's face

Danae rapidly starts throwing tiny snowballs at Gannon.

Maruk says, ' Ah-ha! '

Krishna runs away

Attaunsar thinks krishna has an odd definition of SNOWfight

Gannon kicks snow in Krishna's eyes and laughs as he's blinded.

The sun slowly disappears in the west.

Vellia throws several snowballs into the air.

Krishna gathers snow to make another ball

Danae ducks between krishna's feet.

Maruk gathers more snow to throw at Vellia.

The zombie leaves north.

Krishna looks dubious and goes: 'Hmm'

Attaunsar slides while throwing a snowfall at krishna

Danae pushes some snow upwards towards Krishna.

Krishna throws a snowball at Danae whos between his feet.

Vellia commands air elementals to attack Danae with snowballs.

Gannon makes a snow cone and puts it on Maruk's dwarven head.

Maruk turns at the last moment at hurls her snowball at Gannon instead!

Krishna falls on the ground

Danae tries to dash to avoid everything, but fails horribly.

Vellia looks around.

Attaunsar yahoo!

Vellia says, 'No elementals...'

Danae says, 'Vellia, you do cheat you know... magic.'

Maruk shakes her head.

Vellia says, 'Oops.'

The night has begun.

Krishna closes his eyes and utters the words, 'abrazak'.

Krishna closes his eyes and utters the words, 'gpuorm'.
Danae says, 'It's just a bit unfair *grin* not real cheating.'

Attaunsar jumps over krishna and lets go of a lot of snow

Vellia says, 'Says the hiding one...'

Danae says, 'I got to use my size as advantage, right?'

Maruk starts hiding behind Danae.

Vellia throws a snowball at Gannon for protecting Danae.

Krishna kicks wildly to get the snow off of him

Danae quickly throws a snowball at Vellia.

Vellia shifts briefly into her full draconic form and lets the hit strike home.

Gannon hurls a snowball at Vellia's face.

Krishna stands up and makes another snowball

Attaunsar hits maruk and thinks she's silly for having such a small shield

Danae hides behind Attaunsar for a while, resting.

Vellia falls over with the impact of Gannon's hit.

Maruk falls down sputtering.

Maruk digs into the snow for protection.

Krishna runs at vellia jumps in the air and throws a snowball at her face and keeps running

Danae gathers some snow and buries Maruk alive.

Attaunsar let's danae on his neck saying: "better view from up here"

Vellia helps Danae bury the dwarf.

Danae jumps off right away.

Krishna slows down then stops to gather up more snow for another ball

Danae says, 'Sorry... better view means better target.'

Maruk digs herself out of the snow well away from Danae.

Attaunsar feels pretty hurt

Vellia grins evilly at Krishna.

Danae says, 'Just let me hide, yes?'

Vellia fires snowball after snowball at Krishna, counting the hits.

Maruk makes a snowball and write Danae's name on it.

Vellia says, '1'

Danae makes the tiniest snowball possible, and throws it at Kahluhn's belly.

Vellia says, '2'

Attaunsar says, 'well, okej then... you can hide between my toes... smelly!!!!'

Vellia says, '3'

Danae starts to dodge in preparation for Maruk.

Vellia says, '4'

Danae says, 'I'm not *that* small!'

Maruk hurls the snowball at Danae as hard as she can!

Krishna runs around

Attaunsar makes a snowball splash in himself 's neck

Danae jumps up to avoid it.

Attaunsar says, 'oops'

Gannon throws a giant snowball at the giant called Attaunsar.

Vellia switches quickly to Danae.

Vellia says, '4'

Attaunsar growls.

Vellia fires snowball after snowball at Krishna, counting the hits.

Krishna hides behind the sleigh and beings making more snowballs

Maruk begins making another snowball.

Attaunsar thows a giant snowball at gannon 's face

Danae dashes forwards towards Vellia, evading her snowballs.

Danae picks up some snow along the way.

Attaunsar the giant shouts, 'whaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!'

Vellia starts firing faster in a panic.

Vellia says, 'Stand still!'

Danae jumps up at Vellia, pushing the snow in her neck too.

Maruk runs up behind Danae slamming th snowball into her legs from behind and keeps running.

Danae falls down.

The Snowball Fight Has Come To An End.