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      | |                        `\Y/'                        |-|
      |-|            The Imagica Ezine - Issue no 16          | |
      | |               (IMAGIZINE 01-11-2004)                |-|
      |_|_____________________________________________________| |
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                l/                _) )_          \I
                                  `\ /'

A new issue of Imagizine - Imagica's own virtual magazine. This is
an interactive magazine, so your input is very much appreciated.
To put something in the Imagizine e-mail the Editor at:
Crisstilynn at email.jimagica.net, and it will be put into the following issue.

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                           * News
                           * Free Comment Arena
                           * Code
                           * Gossip Column
                           * Building
                           * Quests
                           * Explorers Column
                           * General Information
                           * Imagica Information

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In this section you will see a list and some information on the
latest news in Imagica.

- Code Update
- Website Update

Code Update
In October Imagica was updated with a lot of new code. Updates
included things like new item types, maps, change in how regen
works, pets, new spells and the removal of RP points and intro-
duction of Quest Tokens. For more detailed information you can
check out the Imagica website's News file.

Website Update
The Imagica website has been updated with a frameless version
to make it easier with dynamic content. To the naked eye the
website should look virtually the same as before. However,
there are unfortunately some problems with the website in
some browsers (such as Firefox) and Lunah is working on finding
a solution.

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 Hunting Iam the Giant

A new auto-quest and quest reward system has been introduced to Imagica.
If you are bored and want a challenge, or want to find out what the items
in the quest token shop are like, then turn on your quest flag. Iam will
teleport to a random room every 15 minutes (or when he dies) and say it
in quest say. Find him for one token, kill him for an additional five.
You can buy things with the tokens you receive from the shop north of Teldar.
You can view those with the most tokens by 'top quest'.

Master of Dojo Defeated

As many of us may be aware, there is an order of monks studying martial
arts in their dojo south of Nivrim.
These monks are reputedly very capable opponents and their master even
more so.
It was already known that the students were no match for me, but the
master had often eluded my attention as he was a rather unattractive meal.
This situation I could not allow to continue, so an example had to be made
of him: no mortal force in existence can hope to stand against me, for I
wield the powers of body and mind in unison.

I have taken this master of the dojo on by myself on several occasions and
came out victorious. This was still a stretched and very hard fight, so to
truly champion him something more had to be done.
I had the archmage Sephrenia protect me under her sanctuary and my power
together with her protective and healing spells made us the harsh elements
that erode the stone he emulates.

In yet another proof that brains AND brawn will beat any but impossible
odds, we kept returning to erode him until he gave up his black belt to
his conqueror, and on his conqueror's waist it will sit while he continues
to seek out knowledge, understanding and power.

My gratitude extends to Sephrenia for making this easier and allowing the
world to see these important lessons.

Warrior-Sage and currently Son of Cain, Representative to the Army of
Darkness and Death

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 The Pet Market

A new set of animals has recently been brought to Imagica for adoption.
Below is a list of all four different pet shops, and all their animals.
If you wish to adopt one, then you can find the market north of Teldar.
Simply use 'list' to get a list from the shop, and 'buy <pet>' to buy the
specified pet. See also 'help adopt' and 'help abandon'.

The first sentence after each shop name is the description you will see
when the pet is in the room you are in (and in their default position).
The paragraph under is the actual description.


I'd like to thank Shayla for writing the majority of the descriptions

Also, Shayla and I will be judging the pet contest entries some time soon.
Thanks to everyone who participated.

Amphibious Animals

A large toad is hopping around here.

Before you is a squat, moss colored critter. His skin though smooth
is covered with many warts. Ever smiling, he provides hours of
amusement as he hops merrily along without a care in the world. He
would much prefer to be kept in moist, well shaded areas. Though he
is adequate at swimming and makes good time across dry land.

Price: 60 dukats

Flagg's Familiars

A majestic unicorn is standing here.

This mystical creature, pale white, with a flowing ashen mane and
tale. A gold horn spirals forth from her brow. Her devotion is
unmatched in all the animal kingdom. In legends she is a symbol of
good luck, and long life.

Price: 150 dukats

A sleek, black dragon is floating here.

Dark as black and sleek as glass, this dragon, though beautiful, can
be quite nasty. Large, black scales and crimson red eyes, a long,
bony tail, and sharp teeth. Her two powerful wings give her the
ability to fly and damage her opponents in battle. This dragon
definitely breathes fire.

Price: 150 dukats

A black wyvern is floating here.

Wyverns are small, fierce cousins dragons though considered an
entirely different species, Wyverns share the same ancient blood and
the same love of carnage. They are known to fly fearlessly into
combat, baring wicked rows of razor sharp teeth and a tail stinger
with deadly venom. Definitely making any warrior a prized companion.

Price: 100 dukats

A small, green dragon is standing here.

Emerald in color, this sleek dragon, her scale plate tougher then any
blacksmith can tailor, is breathtaking. Any hint of light sends a
prism of green hues shimmering off of her smooth hide. A ripple of
ridges line her back and tail. Though docile in nature a glimps of
her teeth reminds one that she is a creature not to be reckoned with.

Price: 130 dukats

The Owlery

A crow is floating here.

This stocky black bird, with a stout bill, and a fan shaped tail, is
the nemesis of farmers. Though not even scarecrows frighten these
feathered creatures. They perch instead on their outspread arms and
feed happily on the corn in the fields. Their bold and brazen
behaviour are a great asset to anyone who possess them.

Price: 70 dukats

A raven is floating here.

A small mischievious bird, dark as midnight and just as deceitful.
He is opportunistic and quick to adapt to any surroundings. Though he
is a handful to train and never to be tame, he can become quite
devoted to those who feed him well.

Price: 80 dukats

A brown barn owl is floating here.

Rustic in color and nature this owl is such a joy to possess. His
heart-shaped face, and dark woody eyes seem to speak to Mother Nature
herself. Though he is small he is a hearty and adept hunter,
preferring to blend in with the fields and grasslands.

Price: 120 dukats

A snow white owl is flapping her wings around here.

A stout owl, pristine white as new-fallen snow. Her small round face
turning sharply, ever gazing through her amber eyes. A perfect
companion for the seasoned traveler. Her wings prepared to carry her
long distances. Though she prefers to stay in her arctic homelands she
will adjust well to any climate.

Price: 120 dukats

Noble's Barn

A fluffy, white kitten is here purring softly.

Soft and white as a ball of cotton. This little girl is so precious.
She purrs softly to herself. Peace, kindness and gentleness are her
greatest qualities. Her dark coal eyes and moist, pink nose, sparkle
in the light. Small thick whiskers delicately guide her. Only those
willing to pamper and spoil her should adopt her.

Price: 50 dukats

A grizzly bear is growling here.

Interesting but unpredictable, this grizzly is nature at it's best.
When he is hungry he hunts, when tired, sleeps... When he is cranky
he takes it out on anyone and everyone. Though you can train him to
do many tricks it will be completely up to him when and where he
performs them and if he desires to perform them at all. Plenty of
patience is a must have.

Price: 150 dukats

A Bengal tiger is standing here.

He is bright reddish orange in color with very dark, well defined
stripes. His stripes help him to blend in with the tall grass and the
dense forests, making it easier to stalk its prey. He is a born
hunter. His masculine body grows up to ten feet long, with a tail
that extends another three feet. The pads of his feet are large and
are covered in thick fur to protect them. To top off this mighty
warrior he has a mouth full of very large teeth with very powerful

Price: 150 dukats

A black panther is standing here.

Velvet black fur, ripples across this large muscular cat. Much like
his smaller relative this feline possesses mighty hunting abilities.
It stalks it's prey, toying with it til the very end, before he
pounces mercilessly upon it and makes the kill. One must be
tremendous warrior to control such a tremendous beast.

Price: 100 dukats

A sleek, silver kitten is standing here.

A sleek silver kitten with an unusually fluffy tail and summer sky
blue eyes. Almost too fluffy for the short hair kitty.

Price: 50 dukats

A black puppy is barking happily here.

He is adorable charcoal border collie. To his friends he is
affectionate; to strangers he is sensibly reserved. Highly
intelligent and eager to learn makes him valued by all. He has short,
soft, water-resistant fur that makes him well adapted in any terrain.
Beyond all these wonderful traits his eagerness to please and wagging
tail makes him man's best friend.

Price: 60 dukats

A black cat is here, preening itself.

This cat's sleek movements and eyes that 'glow' at night has become
the embodiment of darkness, mystery, and evil, possessing truely
frightening powers. He is at home in the shadows. His dark coat
concealing his presence. Legends say that the owner of such a
creature brings good luck, but for him to cross the path of a stranger
means certain death.

Price: 50 dukats

A black dog is standing here.

First impressions of this german shepherd, is that of a strong, agile,
well muscled animal, alert and full of life. He has the
characteristic black on gold markings, his coat sleek and shining.
He is fearless and willing to serve in his capacity as companion,
watchdog, blind leader, herder, or guardian whichever the
circumstances demand.

Price: 70 dukats

Custom Prompts in ImagicaMUD

After the recent update (16 Oct 2004), I was told the help entry for
custom prompts (help display) was not the easiest to read and understand
for the first read. So I decided maybe I'll write a bit more, and since
Imagizine was about to be released, I am putting it there.

So, it works two ways. The first way is the old way. I'll go over that
and then will discuss the new method.

The syntax (in general) is as follows :

display { %<option> | all | color | diag | diag2 | none }

The '%' options is for the new method and the others are the older
way. If you want the old method, you simply ignore the '%' options, and
do it like you used to.

If you want to display the normal autodiagnose message (when in fights),
and also display your hitpoints, manapoints and movement points, as well
as alignment, then type in :

display diag
display all

If you want the new autodiagnose (below), then you can add :

display diag2

If you want colour in it, then you can add it as well. And of
course, none is for no prompt at all.

The new method, however, has a lot more options, for everyone
to create their own style of prompt (only if they want).

The % options are as follows :

%h Display your current hit points
%H Display your max hit points
%m Display your current mana points
%M Display your max mana points
%v Display your current movement points
%V Display your max movement points
%d Display the health percentage of your victim in
%D Display the health of your victim in combat (words)
%j Display the health of your victim (in a
'graphical' form)
%x Display experience needed to the next level
%X Display your total experience
%n (or %N) Display a new line (for multi-line prompts)
%o (or %O) Display your hit points in percentage
%p (or %P) Display your mana points in percentage
%q (or %Q) Display your movement points in percentage
%a (or %A) Display your alignment
%g Display the amount of gold you are carrying
%G Display the the amount of gold you have in the bank
%r Display the name of the room you are in
%R Display the room number (immortal only)
%z Display the zone name (immortal only)
%Z Display the zone number (immortal only)
%e (or %E) Display the rooom exits (in n e s w style)
%L Display your level
%l Display your level name (level 90+ only)
%s (or %S) Display your current status (level 90 only)
%b (or %B) Display your race name
%c (or %C) Display your class name
%f (or %F) Display your name
%y (or %Y) Display your age
%U Display how many days you've played
%u Display how many hours you've played (relative to %U)
%T Display your quest points history
%t Display your quest points (current)
%i Display your armour class
%I Display your hit gain per tick
%J Display your mana gain per tick
%K Display your move gain per tick
%o Display a tab (some spaces)
%% Display %

The prompt parser will display up to 96 characters (which I hope is plenty
for most people, if not all), and replace each % option with some text.
So whenever it sees '%L', then it will be your current level. When it
sees '%I', it will be your hit gain (regen) rate, etc. In this way,
you can hide certain variables that are not needed/wanted, and display
other variables that are more important to you.

I know that one person told me they would like to have the experience
they need to the next level, and then don't display mana at all, but
every other 'normal' variable (that the old style prompt had). With this
new method, they can display this and more, and any other text in between
each number/word.

If a character currently has 500 hitpoints, 300 mana points, 400 movement
points, an align of 100 and 10000 points to the next level, and they want to to
display all of that but mana points, as well as the second version of diagnose
(percentages), then the command,

display <<%h-%v-[%x] (%a) [%d]>>

Will print the following :

<<500-400-[10000] (100) []>>

(assuming they are not fighting anyone).

If they are fighting someone, and the opponent only has half of their
hit points, then it'll display :

<<500-400-[10000] (100) [50]>>

Also, there are a few other special cases :

- %n (or %N) will print a new line at the current location.
- Color codes also work in any order, just like normal text (help colors)

So if you want to display your hitpoints in cyan, but all other points in
yellow, then you can do :

display <<&c%h-&y%v-[%x] (%a) [%d]>>

And that will solve the problem.

- Lastly, if you want to print a %, then type in '%%', and if you want to
print a & then tyep in '&&'

One note for some people :

Certain mud clients will interfere with special characters if you don't have
parsing off. zMUD is such a client. If you disable parsing, enter the prompt,
and then re-enable it, it should be fine.

To turn off the custom prompt, just do 'display off' and reset it all (or do
prompt all).

And if you still have questions, feel free to ask.

Submitted by: Metgod
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It has been rumored that Mender is the first one to own a toad, and that
Mith's daughter is quite jealous. Maybe the clever person who gave it to
him will give one to her as well.

Word has it that not just any toad will do for young Sharin. She has been
seen actively seeking a yellow-striped toad against the strong objections
of her parents. Yellow-striped toads are rumored to turn in to princes
when kissed.

submitted by: Various
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Small World Update
A couple of zones were updated at the same time as the code was.
There were no major changes and no new zones transferred, except
for the Market place north of Teldar where you can find the new
pet shops and across from it the map shop and Quest Token shop.

Wanted: Builders
If you would be interested in building for Imagica, Lunah and/or
Metgod would be more than happy to help you get started. If you
don't have any ideas of your own yet as to what you could build,
Lunah has a list of zones that she would like to see in Imagica
and you could be given something from that list as a project.
For more information, please contact Lunah (Lunah at email.jimagica.net)
or via mudmail in Imagica.

Submitted by: Lunah
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 With the new update a new feature has been installed which includes
an automated quest which runs 24 hours a day in Imagica. The giant
named Iam keeps walking around the lands of Imagica, and has
challenged all inhabitants to find him.

He will name the place where he is standing on the Quest channel
(toggle your quest flag to see it) and it's up to you to find him
before he goes off to another place.

If you find him he will give you 1 Quest Token. Engage him in battle
and win, and he will give you 5 more.

Quest Tokens can then be used in the shop north of Teldar (opposite
the market square where the pet shops can be found) and you can use
your tokens to buy special items.

On occasion we will also scatter Quest Tokens throughout the world,
so keep your eyes open while you're exploring since you might find

Submitted by: The Quest Team
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Vale of Myst

Hidden in the Dragonmountains the Vale of Myst is a place where
mythical creatures have found a sanctuary away from humanity.
There are centaurs, will o'the whisps, faeries and other strange
beings living in this vale.

The Enchanted Forest

Rumours have it that a strange forest can be reached through an
enchanted object. The forest is magical and forever shrouded in
the darkness of night, with only a silver moon's pale light is
there to guide you. A mistress of the night reigns over this
realm, keeping her peculiar pets close at hand.

submitted by: Various
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To subscribe yourself to the Mortals mailing list where you can receive the
Imagizine automatically whenever it comes out, you can visit the link below:


For all people that have missed/lost old issues, and want or read them. All
the old issues as well as the current issue can be found on the Imagica
homepage at www.jimagica.net.

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Imagica Homepage           - https://jimagica.net
Mud Address                - jimagica.net (port:4000)


Clan Homepages:

Army of Darkness and Death (ADD)     http://www.anzwers.org/free/add/index.html
Sentinels of Soraya (SoS)            http://www.spellbound.nu/SoS
WolfRiders (WOF)                     http://www.geocities.com/wolfriders_wof
Dragons in Exile (DIE)               http://www.angelfire.com/wizard/stormcrow
Order of Serenity (OOS)              http://www.geocities.com/phydoux_oos/
Order of the Blue Crescent (OBC)     http://www.angelfire.com/hero/jirrik_obc/


The following clans are registered :

#    CLAN                               CLAN LEADER      CLAN REPR.       #MEMB
     ----                               -----------      ----------       -----

[ 0] [Army of Darkness and Death      ] [Catt          ] [Fido          ] [ 20]
[ 1] [Sentinels Of Soraya             ] [Desideira     ] [Disa          ] [ 10]
[ 2] [Wolf Riders                     ] [Shyla         ] [Shimmer       ] [  7]
[ 3] [Dragons in Exile                ] [Mithrandir    ] [Alectsus      ] [ 14]

[ 4] [Order of Serenity               ] [Dante         ] [Chloe         ] [  6]
[ 5] [Order of the Blue Crescent      ] [Jirrik        ] [Maruk         ] [  6]

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       |-|           Have FUN playing Imagica !           |-|
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       (@)                 / ,/ \_____/ \\ ~\/~         `\|-|
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